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Publié en 2019
44 pages - 10.00 €
ISBN: 978-2-8071-0252-1

Erika Tremblay-Roy (Traduction : Alexis Diamond) - The Problem with Pink - Playing happily on their private pink carpet, each day is full of fun and stories for friends Alix, Sacha, Lou and Noa.
From afar, the outside world seeps into their games. A plane flies overhead ? They grow long, long wings. It starts raining ? No problem : they splash in the puddles, instantly waterproof.
But everything changes when they get the terrible news from the outside : the colour pink is for girls.
Suddenly, the perception of others becomes a major preoccupation, muddling their imaginations in the process.
They are boys! This place - this pink place - is not for them. Not anymore.


Erika Tremblay-Roy is an author, director, actress and the artistic director of the Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke.
Alexis Diamond is an award-winning theatre artist, opera librettist, translator and theatre curator.

We followed with great interest the success of LETTRE POUR ELENA that Erika Tremblay-Roy had done to us for publishing. The show was very well done with three dancers directed by Christophe Garcia. Needless to say, we were interested as soon as this new project was announced by the same team. And we were right. THE PROBLEM WITH PINK is an original and cleverly orchestrated text to let the director and the actors bring a large part of creation. Just as, when published with the complicity of the author, it provokes the imagination of the (young) reader by offering him a beautiful perspective of creativity.

Available for translation in all languages except French and English.
The French version is published by Lansman in the collection "LANSMAN JEUNESSE".

To advise reading until 9/10 years.

The show in French and in English will be on tour starting in September 2019.

34 pages
3 comédiens
1 comédienne
Texte théâtral


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